Thursday, February 12, 2009

Moody Moon

As I was driving home, the moon was coming up behind these spectacular clouds. They started off a bright white, then picked up purples and reds from the sunset, then darker blues and purples. Wish I could have gotten to the park in time for some of the other phases.


  1. I really like this shot. I am really drawn into it. The angle makes me feel like I am in the clouds, and could just climb over and grab the moon. The colors are great.

  2. this is an amazing photo. It has so much depth to it. And well composed. Very pleasing to the eye. I'm reading a book about werewolves and it looks just like the full moon scenes in the book.
    elizabeth aka elanna

  3. gorgeous photo! the billowy clouds are amazing and mixed with the color it looks completely surreal. you captured a perfect moment with the thin cloud perfectly covering the moon a bit. :)

  4. I’m sure you know that I am a big fan of photographing at this time of day and long after the sun has set. At first I didn’t know why or how to express why I was drawn to this type of photography. But eventually I came to realize that I am fascinated by the mystery some of the images posses. I think this is a very good example of that. It does have a very storybook/surreal feel.
